Neurosurgeon in Nashik

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Who is the best Neurosurgeon?

Dr. Shekhar Chirmade works as Neurosurgeon In Nashik & Brain Spine Surgeon In Nashik. He completed his MS, MCH. DNB (NEURO).
He passed M.Ch. Neurosurgery from University of Mumbai & D.N.B. neurosurgery from National Board Delhi in 1998 and then worked as Lecturer for few days at B J Medical College Pune.
He started private practice at Nashik in1998. He has worked in different Hospitals of Nashik from 1998 mainly at Lifeline Hospital and Suyash Hospital.
He has wide experience working in various fields of Neurosurgery like Microdiscectomy, Endoscopic surgery for pituitary, Brain, and Spine Tumors and Surgeries for Back Pain, etc. He has also experience in Neuro Critical Care.


Neurosurgeons treat the medical conditions pertaining to the spinal column, nerves, skull & brain. This field of medicine is considered amongst the most complicated to treat, as the entire body functionality depends upon on it. Dr. Shekhar Chirmade Consultants has ties with the best Neurosurgeons in Nashik India and best Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon In Nashik India that is crucial we can say the best step towards successful treatment. The treatment is provided at affordable rates in India so that overseas patients do not have to balk at a healthy choice.

What Is the Neurosurgery?

Neurosurgery is the surgical treatment of the nervous system.
Most people think of neurosurgery about as brain surgery — but it is much more! It is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of patients with injury to, or diseases/disorders of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body.

The specialty of neurosurgical care includes both adult and pediatric patients. Dependent upon the nature of the injury or disease a neurological surgeon may provide surgical and/or non-surgical care.

Types of Neurosurgeon?

Neurosurgeons operate & give treatment to the human brain and nervous system. They also work with systems and structures that support the nervous system, such as the spine and the circulatory system that supplies the brain with its blood. Neurosurgeons spend six years in residency, learning under the supervision of experienced colleagues. Many will go on to specialize in one of the field’s many subdisciplines.

What is the Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Surgery

Many of common neurological conditions, such as aneurysms and stroke, are caused by problems within the brain’s circulatory system. Cerebrovascular surgery is a secondary specialty that focuses on preventing and correcting these conditions. Some procedures are performed using traditional open surgical methods, while other procedures are performed with miniature instruments to repair veins from within.

Skull base neurosurgeons work together with otolaryngologists, oncologists, and plastic surgeons to remove once-inoperable tumors from the sinus cavities and other inaccessible areas. The neurosurgeon’s expertise is largely cardiovascular, managing the surgery to avoid damaging the complex network of blood vessels in the area.

What is Neuro-Trauma and Neurological Critical Care?

The skull and spine provide protection for nerves of the brain and spinal cord. However, accidents and acts of violence can still cause traumatic injuries that threaten the patient’s ability to survive and function. Neurotrauma surgeons work with these patients, attempting to minimize damage to the nervous system and create the greatest possible likelihood of returning to normal life. Critical care neurosurgery also deals with patients in crisis. In these cases, patients are threatened by major strokes, acute illnesses, and other catastrophic neurological conditions. This often includes palliative care for patients whose condition is irreversible but can be made more tolerable by surgical intervention.

How Neuro-Oncology and Interventional Neuroradiology works?

Oncology is the deal with the treatment of cancers. Brain tumors are some of the deadliest and most difficult to deal with, and they’re the province of neuro-oncologists. Neuro-oncologists devise methods of removing brain tumors while minimizing the damage to the surrounding brain tissues. The specialty makes heavy use of diagnostic radiological imaging, especially computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scanning. Neuro-radiologists often work with the oncologist, providing their expertise in interpreting the images. Interventional neuroradiologists go a step further, using these imaging technologies to guide miniature surgical instruments through the brain’s blood vessels. They can repair damaged veins internally or seal off blood vessels that feed tumors.

What is Pediatric Neurosurgery?

Most of the neurosurgical subspecialties relate to specific procedures or medical conditions, pediatric neurosurgery is centered around the needs of children. Children’s bodies are physically smaller and less robust than those of adults, increasing the difficulties surgeons face. Pediatric neurosurgeons perform a wide range of procedures on their young patients, so they must have a broad grasp of neurosurgery as well as pediatrics. For example, pediatric neurosurgeons correct birth defects and treat traumatic head injuries and severe forms of epilepsy.


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